Month: March 2019


It’s been two months since I returned from India and its people. Already, my built-in “forgetter” is performing its handiwork. The month-long journey chafed my spirit and kneaded the tendons of my soul, but life is back to normal and the daily stresses of the “good life” have returned. The scrapes with adversity, drudgery, and…
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It was late December a few years ago and Carl, my husband, had just left for what was to be his sixth trip to India. This particular winter, we had planned to renovate our second floor bathroom. The first part of this project was demolishing the 1920s dinosaur. Old cracked plaster and lathe walls and…
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For a year now, we have been identifying the most “pushed to the side” people within the geography where Hope Ascending operates in northern India. In a matter of months, we have developed relationships with the Banjara Gypsies and a community called the Singhiwala. Both groups are migratory untouchables or Dalits. All gypsies can trace…
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